If you’re interested in spending time in Mexico and having property, then you know that you want to put down some sort of roots. The only question is, how much time can you spend in Mexico if you continue to be a foreigner? After all, you don’t wish to become a citizen, but you want to ensure that you are abiding by the rules and restrictions that come with it. This is what you’ll need to know.
Arriving in Mexico: When you arrive in Mexico at the very beginning, you’ll have applied for, and be given, a tourist visa. This is granted to you when you arrive across the border. This is different than those who simply come down to Mexico for a weekend or even a week. This visa implies that you are looking to stay for quite a while (i.e., longer than a vacation).
A tourist visa: How Long Can a Foreigner Reside in Mexico Per Year? A tourist visa is what all foreigners receive when they arrive for an extended period of time in the country. This allows them to stay up to 180 days (which is just shy of 6 months) in Mexico legally without requiring to work. If you have this visa, you are able to buy property in Mexico. This is considered the “first step” to enjoying your time in Mexico!
A temporary resident visa: Once you’ve decided to buy land (and have done so), you can then apply for a temporary resident visa. This is going to give you the possibility to stay for a year with its application. This is often a logical step for those who wish to buy land, but it is not required to have it in place before doing so.
Long-term living: If you wish to stay longer, you can apply to extend your temporary resident visa for up to 4 years at a time. This is the longest time that you will be able to stay uninterrupted in Mexico. At this point, you will need to look at becoming a permanent resident or you will need to look at returning to your home country and then reapplying for another new temporary resident visa.
What if I don’t have a visa? You will apply for a visa before arriving in Mexico in the first place. This will tell you just how long you can stay in Mexico legally within the year. The different types of visas are tiered this way intentionally. If you do not have a visa, you will be treated as someone who is on vacation. A visa will be required if you wish to buy property or land in Mexico, so remember to keep this in mind.
If you are looking at staying in Mexico for an extended period of time within a year, a tourist visa is always a great place to start. This will give you the most freedom and the least restrictions, especially when it comes to the idea of having to work or not. This is what makes it such a logical and simple choice.