This is a common question, and there’s no shame in asking it. In fact, it’s one of those questions that many feel afraid to ask because they worry about how it will be received! Part of being a responsible property owner, however, is to ensure that all of your questions have appropriate answers so that you understand your rights as a legal property owner. In a word: no. But there’s more information waiting below.
Can the Mexican Government confiscate my land?
Most people think that since they aren’t Mexican citizens, they don’t have the same protections on their land. You will be very relieved to know that this is not the case! Whether you hold the land with your name on the legal title or through a bank trust/corporation in one of the restricted zones, you have the same rights as Mexican citizens who hold property.
Contrary to most people’s fears, the Government isn’t able to simply come and take your land just because you aren’t a native to Mexico and therefore can’t fight them for your land back. If this were the case, there would be a lot more vacant land! In all seriousness, though, you are as protected as you think you are.
Are there exceptions?
There are exceptions to this, yes. However, there are also exceptions in other places, including some American states. We call this “public reason” under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
This means that the Government can issue a formal notice to the landowner, declaring it condemned. This word may bring up negative images, but in this situation, it means that the land is being taken for public use. When this happens, the Government must compensate the property owner with a fair amount for the repossession of the land. This compensation is based on a “fair market price” plus interest that would have accumulated after the fact. The value is verified by a neutral party to ensure that both interests are protected.
It may sound intimidating when you see it like that, but remember: this exists in places other than Mexico, and it can happen to a native Mexican as much as to a foreigner. This is not a practice that singles out foreign landowners. Additionally, you are compensated for your land, so you aren’t simply tossed out and expected to walk away empty-handed.
Should I be concerned?
No. While this exception does exist, it isn’t one that is used very often. It is often seen as a last resort and only in situations where it is absolutely necessary, such as when the property poses a danger or is located in a protected area that is grandfathered in, among other rare circumstances. This is not a common occurrence because the Mexican Government understands that foreigners want to own property and enjoy their time in Mexico, not feel like they need to constantly watch over their property. It also works in the best interest of the Mexican government, as it brings revenue and property tax, among other benefits, from well-intentioned foreigners.